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How to edit decks in Genius Invokation TCG (Genshin Impact)

Want to edit your deck or choose a new card back design? We break everything down about editing decks in Genius Invokation TCG.
genshin impact logo on blurred background
Credit: MobileBytesGG

Genius Invokation TCG is a great addition to Genshin Impact, but to get the most enjoyment from it, you’ll need to edit and build decks.

Thankfully, you can start editing Genius Invokation TCG decks in a snap. Simply look for your Casket of Tomes in your bag, select it, then tap or click Deck.

That will open up a menu that lets you select pre-existing decks or create new ones. This is how you’ll edit card decks in Genshin Impact.

If you would like a more in-depth look, we’ll give you the step-by-step process of finding the Caket of Tomes, editing existing decks, and creating new ones below.

Where is the Casket of Tomes?

genius invokation tcg casket of tomes
Credit: MobileBytesGG

The Casket of Tomes, which is used to edit your decks, can be found in the Gadget pocket of your Inventory.

In the top menu, the Gadget pocket looks like a chest. You can see the exact location in the image above.

Once you click on the Casket of Tomes, you’ll see two options at the bottom of the inventory screen – Search for Player and Deck.

To edit your decks, you’ll want to tap or click Deck. From there, continue following along below.

Editing a deck in Genshin’s card game

Time needed: 5 minutes

If you want a breakdown of editing decks in Genius Invokation TCG, follow along below.

  1. Find the Casket of Tomes in your inventory

    Once you’ve selected the Casket of Tomes (shown above), select the deck you want to editgenius invokation tcg decks

  2. Decide on Character cards

    Next, you’ll want to use the red minus button to remove Character cards you don’t want. Add new ones by clicking them from the carousel at the bottom.character cards in genshin impact

  3. Move over to the Action cards section

    Here, use the icon on the right to switch over to the Action cardsaction cards list in genius invokation tcg

  4. Select a card

    Tap or click on a card in the top row to learn more about it.

  5. You can add or remove copies, change the art style, and learn more about where it is unlocked from.card information in genshin impact

Remember, Genius Invokation TCG decks are made up of three character cards and 30 Action cards. Use the knowledge above to create winning combinations.

edit deck name icon
Credit: MobileBytesGG

While you’re here, you can also select the pencil in the top-left corner to edit the name of your deck.

How to edit your deck design and card box in Genius Invokation TCG

If you want to edit your deck design (sometimes referred to as a card back), we’ll quickly show you how to do that below.

  1. One the deck list screen, tap or click the three-dot menu on a deck
edit deck screen on tcg
Credit: MobileBytesGG
  1. Then, tap or click Deck Design Settings. This will open up a a new menu
card box and card back design screen
Credit: MobileBytesGG

Now, you’ll be able to switch between Card Box and Card Back to customize your Genius Invokation TCG deck. Each design is unique to the deck you are editing.

That means that you can have different themes depending on what your deck focuses on.

How many decks can you have?

deck list in genius invokation tcg
Credit: MobileBytesGG

Sadly, you can’t have unlimited decks in the game, but thankfully, Genshin Impact provides a solid number of deck slots.

Players can unlock a total of ten deck slots in Genius Invokation TCG.

You’ll only start with two slots but will continue to unlock them as you level up in the mode.

Editing decks in Genius Invokation TCG is a ton of fun

If you are a fan of deck-building games, Genshin Impact’s offering has a ton of potential.

The game is just getting started, so get out there and start grinding for new cards, new card designs, and more.

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