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How to unlock cards in Genius Invokation TCG (Genshin Impact)

Looking to build the best deck in Teyvat? Here’s how to unlock more cards in Genius Invokation TCG.
genshin impact logo on blurred background
Credit: MobileBytesGG

Genius Invokation TCG is a fun, free-to-play digital card game within Genshin Impact. But how do you unlock cards?

Well, unlocking cards can be done in a number of ways. You can get them from a shop in Mondstadt, NPCs out in the world, and more.

We’ll dive right into the guide to make sure you are back into the game as quickly as possible!

Unlocking cards in Geniun Invokation TCG

Genshin’s new card game is a ton of fun, but you’ll need a bunch of cards if you want to build different types of decks.

Here are some of the basic ways to unlock more cards.

Spend Lucky Coins at The Cat’s Tail

genius invokation tcg card shop
Credit: MobileBytesGG

One of the best ways to unlock new cards is by purchasing them for Lucky Coins in The Cat’s Tail.

Located in Mondstadt, this bar is home to the game. You earn Lucky Coins from various sources, including leveling up your Genius Invokation TCG level.

Please note: You can only get Action cards here, no character cards.

Battle other Genius Invokation TCG players

invitation board in the cat's tail
Credit: MobileBytesGG

Using the invitation board in The Cat’s Tail, you’ll have the option to battle other players.

You’ll see some familiar faces on your journey and, if you win, you’ll earn both Character and Talent cards to help build out your deck even further.

Match Invitation Letters

the wanderer in genshin impact
Credit: HoYoverse

As you complete missions and get better at the digital card game, you’ll start to earn Match Invitation Letters. You can also purchase them from the Card Shop in The Cat’s Tail.

This consumable item can be used to invite other characters like Ayaka and the Wanderer to a match. If you beat them, you’ll get their character card.

Other types of missions

As you continue your journey through Teyvat, you may come across other Genius Invokation TCG-inspired missions.

Completing these can unlock new Character and Action cards.

Please note: We’ll update this section to be more clear once we have more time with the game mode.

Genius Invokation TCG is a lot of fun

Digital card games seem to be on the rise thanks to Genius Invokation TCG and Marvel Snap. And, honestly, we love it.

We can’t wait to dive into this Genshin card game more in the future and learn how to build the best decks.

If you are looking for another TCG to play, make sure to read our huge guide on Marvel Snap!

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